Look what’s happened in the last few days
Let’s hope things aren’t as bad as they appear. We need to be praying for the best and preparing for the worst, although the latter is difficult. Biden sent cluster bombs to Ukraine. The POTUS told the world that the U.S. is low on munitions. Biden called Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Vladimir, the name of Zelenskyy’s arch enemy. Biden met with Zelenskyy and promised more aid. He stumbled up the steps of Air Force One, again. He tried to talk to the king’s guard. Biden bizarrely nibbled on a very small little girl. Lastly, he authorized 3000 troops be deployed to help Ukraine. Biden has the U.S. teetering on the edge. Everyday, when you think it can’t possibly get worse, it does.
cluster bombs and the U.S. stockpile
What is a cluster bomb? It’s a weapon containing multiple explosives. They’re dropped from planes. They activate as they fall so they explode on or above the ground. The problem with them is that they don’t always work as designed. The cluster bombs become duds, so to speak. These bombs lay in wait like a land mine.
Cluster bombs are banned in more than 120 countries. They cause thousands of civilian deaths. There’s a Treaty (the convention convention on cluster munitions, or CCM) that bans the use of cluster bombs. The U.S., Russia and Ukraine are not part of the CCM. These bombs cause casualties for years after their initial use.
The fact that they are so deadly is why Biden decided to use them. Biden and his military believe these bombs will be effective in the fight against Russia. Sadly, Ukraine’s own people will be killed years after the war by these bombs that lay in wait for someone to accidently set them off. Ukraine’s argument for the use of clusters is that Russia is using them. Does that make sense? Russia put clusters into Ukraine and now Ukraine is putting clusters into Ukraine. 2 wrongs don’t make a right…
Zelenskyy wants to win at all costs
Zelenskyy is desperate. He wants to win at all costs. He proves this at his willingness to sacrifice his own people by using cluster bombs. It’s all about, right now. He wants to win, right now! You can’t blame him for that, but his willingness to sacrifice his own people (possibly children) is disturbing.
Zelenskyy doesn’t care if he bankrupts the U.S.. He doesn’t care that we are now low on munitions. He just wants to win.
Our POTUS had an opportunity. He just met with Mr. Zelenskyy and with our NATO allies. Where is the talk of an out to this war? Where is the diplomacy? Instead of giving Ukraine more money and munitions, talk of making peace. Elon Musk suggested this months ago and was ripped apart at the suggestion. Throw it up on a scales, diplomacy on one side and supporting a never ending war on the other. Let’s not forget this war is going on since 2014. The world benefits from a diplomatic solution.
in the midst of the argument for and against cluster bombs, Biden made a slip
Biden announced to the world that the U.S. is low on munitions. They world already sees the U.S. as weak because of Biden’s physical and mental state and now he tells the world we are militarily weak as well. He told them we are militarily weak because of his mental state. At least let’s hope that’s why. The alternative is that he deliberately told the world we are low on munitions. Which is it? That is a great question to ask Democrats. Did Biden tell the world the U.S. is low on munitions because of his mental state or did he do it deliberately?
This slip of the tongue is a big one. It’s a good guess that this is the reason Biden doesn’t do press conferences and interviews.
Biden’s buddy, Zelenskyy should be upset about this also. He didn’t just tell the world that the U.S. is low on munitions, he told Russia that Ukraine is as well. So Ukraine is low and the U.S. is low, Russia, I’m sure, welcomed that news. We don’t have munitions to send to Ukraine and are weak ourselves.
If that in itself is not enough to get Biden removed from office, I don’t know what is. I’m sure China, Iran and North Korea enjoyed hearing that news, also.
it’s not just his mind
It’s not just Biden’s mental state that is a problem. It is also physical as once again our POTUS stumbled going up to get on Air Force One. They even made the flight of stairs smaller for him.
You may not think this is a big deal. People stumble, occasionally. You’d be correct in your thinking. Our POTUS stumbles and or falls or is lost, frequently. Too frequently. And the world mocks…
now troops, why are we in so deep with Ukraine?
Biden authorized 3,000 troops to “support” Ukraine. He did this via an executive order. Trump blasted the POTUS for this reckless action. Some are accusing Biden of pushing the U.S. into WW3. Biden calls this “support” for Ukraine? Do you think Putin will view it that way? Putin’s going to view this as aggression. Biden does this right after sending Ukraine cluster bombs. What else is Putin suppose to think?
Biden met with Zelenskyy and NATO. There’s no talk of peace or diplomacy. Instead, Biden offers more funding, more weapons and unyielding support. The $200 million and most of our munitions isn’t enough?
It is very clear that Biden is compromised to foreign countries. Hunter Biden provided proof specifically naming his father. Ukraine is corrupt. Everyone should know that as well. Biden meets with Zelenskyy and offers up more and more help. With his own mouth, he admits to putting the U.S. at risk over Ukraine by depleting our own munitions for them. Biden is bleeding us dry over Ukraine and no one wonders why?
What else needs to happen to wake people up?
Biden is destroying America. Everything from the economy to national security. And then there is this, again.
Look what he does to this child. The child is trying to get away from him and her mother is concerned about a photo? What is he doing to this poor little girl? It’s bizarre!
All of this happened in the last week or so.