Marjorie Taylor- Greene
Marjorie Taylor- Green, aka MTG, is Rep. from Georgia. She is a fighter for the beliefs of Republicans. The extreme left has labeled her as a conspiracy theorist and white supremist. They labeled her with usual names they give to any Republican that supports Pres. Trump and or is MAGA. She has a new fight. She is fighting for equal justice in our double-standard justice system.
MTG has repeatedly had a sign that is outside her office door, vandalized. Her sign states there are only two genders, male and female. Every animal on our planet, created by God, has 2 genders. There may be amphibians, fish, and copperheads (can fertilize their own eggs) that can in a pinch change genders to keep their species going. And keep in mind they still only have 2 genders. MJT is being harassed for her beliefs. In America, are we not suppose to be able to believe what we want? Do we still have Constitutional rights, like Freedom of Religion?
she has evidence
It started with Rep. Newman, a Democrat hanging a transgender flag outside of her office. It is across from Rep. Taylor-Greene’s. MTG says that her sign was vandalized 11 times and the Newman flag 0. It is typical Dem behavior. If you don’t believe their beliefs, they harass and destroy. The behavior with MTG’s flag is grade school behavior.
MTG wants justice. She has the evidence. The chief of staff of Rep. Auchincloss, Tim Hysom, is responsible for the vandalism. She has a video of him doing the vandalism. MTG has shared that video on Twitter. MTG says the Justice Department will not prosecute Hysom. This is America’s double standard. They expect her to what, suck it up?
Rep. Auchincloss
Well, what a coincidence? A little known Dem. from Mass. has had his name pop up twice in a few days. Both times his name popped up, it was with criminal activity. We never heard of this guy before the incident with Stephen Colbert’s staff. Tim Hysom, allegedly let the staff of Stephen Colbert into a building. They did not have an escort and had no official Id. These staffers were told to leave earlier in the day. The staff of the Colbert Show were arrested. This only happened a few days ago. It was the first time we have ever heard of Auchincloss or Hysom.
Now here they are again in the news. Once again, they made the news for criminal activity. This time it was for vandalizing MTG’s poster.
it was clearly criminal activity
The first time was in connection to the arrests of Colbert’s staff. They Colbert staff was arrested for unlawful entry. Let’s be clear, these people were arrested, for a crime. Now, Hysom, should be arrested for something related to vandalism or criminal mischief.
MTG can’t get help from the Justice Department. What do you do when the people who are suppose to help you and or protect you, refuse? Someone has repeatedly harassed her. 11 times is a lot and she has done their job for them. She has video evidence. She must be incredibly frustrated.
the hypocrisy
Can you see it? Here it comes, the hypocrisy. Stephen Colbert has made a joke out of his staffs criminal behavior. Stephen has made a huge deal over the insurrection, Jan. 6. Yet, his staff, who is arrested on the same charge, it’s a joke. A joke he makes with sarcasm. He’s pathetic. It is ok for his staff, it’s no big deal. The unarmed protestors is a different story. It should be the same charges and the same treatment. Is his staff going to be locked up for a year and a half? Oh no! They were their for foolishness. They were making a comedy show. Obviously, they meant no harm even though they were told to leave. Sarcasm, in case you missed it.
He is a hypocrite and shouldn’t make a joke over his employees committing a crime. Republicans have asked for the reports on what exactly happened with Colbert’s staff. He is not funny and the situation is not funny. With everything that happened at the Capitol and the hearings now, his staff should have known better.
Typical double standard
What is going on with MTG is so typical. We live in a double standard justice system. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, does not apply for Republicans. If something happens to a Democrat, they scream from the rooftops. If something happens to a Republican, they don’t care. And it’s not just that they don’t care. They refuse to do their job and or help.
Justice Kavanaugh had his life threatened. An armed man showed up at his house to kill him. What would the reaction have been if it had been a Democratic Judge? Do you think lying Shifty Schiff or Pelosi would have reacted different? They would have had a cage put around their houses like she did the Capitol.
A comedy show has their employees trespass and oh that’s a joke. Criminal behavior does not apply to them, they’re liberal, it’s allowed. Stephen Colbert made an ass out of Republicans who may have a problem with his employees criminal activity, Crime doesn’t apply to Democrats.
Now it’s Marjorie Taylor-Greene. She is being harassed. No one cares that she had property vandalized for her religious freedom.
no justice
This situation is not likely to get any better until Republicans take the House, Senate, and White House. In the meantime, she needs to continue the work she does. She needs to call them out every chance she can. We as Republicans need to stand with her. Help her. Share her tweets. Call your representatives in Washington. Let them know this isn’t right. If they don’t help change things, they will be voted out. Use your voices. You think it doesn’t help and nothing will change? Well sitting back, watching, and saying nothing isn’t changing things either.
The double-standard hurts everyone. The Dems can sit up on their high horse looking down on everyone. It just shows how extreme they have become. The thing is, Republicans don’t play that game. They try to be better and not stoop to their level. The Dems play dirty. They absolutely will destroy you and every aspect of your life. They do this simply because you don’t think like they do. We don’t need to play dirty like they do, but we need to speak up. Take MTG’s playbook and use it. She calls them out and we need to do the same.