a lab in California is making strides in growing human eggs and sperm
Wow! This is just crazy. Yesterday was the first I heard of this story. It didn’t sound right. We all know about IVF and helping people conceive. When does it go too far? When is it ethically wrong? Are we creating life? Growing eggs and sperm in a lab sounds a lot like the cloning process. Are scientists going to listen to the great Ian Malcolm?
There are many lab creations one wouldn’t think possible over the years. IVF is one of those and cloning is another. Is there a line we can’t cross? If so, what is that line?
In 1978 came the first IVF baby
I was young, but clearly remember the first IVF baby, Louise Brown. We didn’t have “viral” stories then, but her story went viral. Every paper and television carried the story of Louise Brown. She was labeled a test tube baby.
There were those who believed this to be morally wrong. They thought we shouldn’t be conceiving humans outside the womb in a test tube. Catholics led the charge, this is “unnatural”. Now, it’s considered assisted reproduction.
Next biggie, Dolly, the cloned sheep
There was and still is a huge controversary of cloning. The credit of the first cloned mammal goes to Dolly the sheep. Dolly technically was not the first, but gets the credit. This was huge. Cloning also is a huge ethical and moral conundrum. The reasons behind the cloning are not the nicest.
If successful, this would mean fewer animals would need to be used in future experiments.
Obviously, it was a success and Dolly went “viral”. Then came the opposition to cloning. There aren’t any laws in the U.S. against cloning but there is in Canada and other countries. The government tried to ban cloning in the U.S., but it never passed.
cloning – the ethical and moral conundrum
Religious beliefs are a huge factor in cloning. Are scientists creators? Also, there is a very high likelihood of loss of life and or abnormalities with the “activated eggs”. Scientists are manufacturing and destroying humans. There is a possibility life would be created to harvest organs for another. Cloning could be used for selection of a specific person.
cloning could be used to breed “better” humans, thus violating principles of human dignity, freedom, and equality.
Then came this story – same sex couple carry same baby
One woman’s eggs were harvested and fertilized in a lab, placed in a device and the device placed back into the woman’s body for 5 days. Doctors then removed the device and froze the embryos. The other woman was prepared with hormones and at the right time the embryos placed into her body. There you have it. A baby is carried by 2 women.
I refer back to Ian Malcolm and the can/should thing. If it is unethical to clone for reasons of failed attempts (death) could this not be considered the same? These 2 women got lucky the first attempt.
I had a completely different issue with this procedure. Where does this end?
we are experimenting on humans
This isn’t experimenting to cure a disease. This is experimenting on life. Where does this end?
The first issue for me is when we now say men are moms. No, no they are not. Before the 2 mom story happened, we have stories of men who say they are moms. Men can’t carry babies. Because of this, we are not suppose to use the word mom. We are suppose to use the term birthing person. No, only women can birth a baby. Liberals can twist it into any story they like. If a man carries a baby, guess what? He is a woman. DNA will provide the truth. This isn’t my opinion, it is scientific fact.
After the stories of men having babies and 2 moms carrying the same child, I thought, what next? The furry movement will be next? Furries (people who play pretend )will be next. Some scientist/doctor will implant a kitten embryo into a human so some mentally ill person can say they birthed a kitten. Even more messed up, will these scientists be combining animal and humans in a lab to have hybrids? We will be living out an HG Wells novel, The Island of Doctor Moreau.
Would that be considered morally or ethically wrong? In today’s society, the answer is a resounding no. Anything goes into today’s society if it makes a liberal group make sense of their lives.
and here we are, taking it to another level
I’m not talking about furry human hybrids, although I bet somewhere they are working on it. I am talking about the new story yesterday of creating eggs or sperm in a lab. This sounds similar to cloning. A gay scientist wants him and his husband to have a child of their own, with their DNA. Regardless of what some groups want you to believe, guess what? Men can’t have babies. So why not grow one?
IVG could create eggs from one of Hurtado’s cells that could then be fertilized with sperm from his partner. A surrogate mother could then carry the resulting embryo through to the birth of a baby genetically related to both men.
And there you have it. They need a female to carry their embryo. Why? Because men can’t do it.
This isn’t just for gay men. They’re creating sperm for lesbian couples as well.
What is the outcome of these experiments
The ethical and moral reasons that this is wrong is endless. Seriously, how many lives will be lost practicing or experimenting to get this right. One of the reasons cloning is banned is because of loss of life and defects or abnormalities. It’s likely the same with these experiments. I would think there will be many abnormalities. Can they create a soul? Body and soul are not the same. Will these be soulless creatures? It didn’t work out so well for Frankenstein.
I am not making light of this by using the Island of Doctor Moreau or Frankenstein as examples. This is very serious. Many say we are living out 1984 by George Orwell. Will Hal be a real thing, or maybe Terminator? Will A.I. be taking over? What about Jurassic Park? Bringing back T-rex probably isn’t the smartest idea. Again, I refer back to Ian Malcolm.
We are our own worst enemy. I don’t know what’s next or which science fiction novel we will be living, but the possibilities are endless.