time to put in a wind mill
Heating oil in the North East is rationed. When you get it, will it be affordable? We have been singing this story for a few weeks. Well, it might be time for homeowners to put in a windmill. Your choices of heat are getting fewer. The North west issued a burn ban. That’s right! No more wood burning because it is making bad air. How in the world will we heat our homes this winter and in the future? It may sound crazy, but what is your alternative?
will people be forbidden from heating their homes
That sounds extreme, but how will this work? Will the heat police come to check your chimneys if they see smoke? Fireplaces are a no-no. Certain wood stoves are banned. Certified EPA standard stoves are allowed. Those who violate, will get a $1,000 fine.
Let’s make an example. There is an elderly couple on a fixed income, down the street, with a fireplace. This fireplace helps them greatly with the cost of heat in the winter. They can’t afford to heat their home. What are they to do? Will the heat police seriously tell them they need to put out their fire? Will they fine them for burning to keep warm?
unhealthy air is the cause for the temporary ban
This ban is temporary. At the moment, air quality is poor in that area. It’s a stage one burn ban.
Burn bans in Snohomish, Pierce counties amid unhealthy air quality
We know that so far this is temporary. What we said may be a bit of an exaggeration, but how long until it’s true.
the push for cleaner energy
We are in a big fight for energy. Americans need oil and it needs to be affordable. As much as our government tries to get rid of fossil fuels, the U.S. is not prepared to do it. Our government doesn’t care. So many climb aboard the climate train. The government and climate people use fear to control this issue. They say things like the planet has 20-30 years left or less.
That’s almost funny. They play on everyone’s fear and that’s not right.
600 – 700 billion years?
This one, we have 3-5 years.
the most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded beyond the planet’s current orbit.
It would be our guess here that we have somewhere between 3 years and 700 billion. Let’s just go half way between the 2 and say 350 billion.
the liberal obsession with climate change
In order to stop fossil fuels, we need a substitute. What can we substitute? Are people to be cold? Only .4% of energy in the U.S. is generated from geothermal. In 2019, the U.S. generated more geothermal energy than anywhere in the world. At .4%, that’s not saying a whole lot.
In 2020, 3% of electricity was produced by solar. Nuclear plants supply 20% of electricity in the U.S.. Given those figures, is it likely that we will be fossil fuel free anytime soon. If Biden pushes for his 2030 number, what are people suppose to use?
Electricity’s produced by a turbine generator.
In the cases of natural gas, coal, nuclear fission, biomass, petroleum, geothermal and solar thermal, the heat that is produced is used to create steam, which moves the blades of the turbine.
freeing the US of fossil fuels
This like most things has a money trail. If you want to know the real reason for this, follow the money. Liberal donations come from people that make massive amounts of money by pushing the climate agenda. On top of that, they use little girls, Greta Thunberg, as a spokesperson. This girl was homeschooled by her parents. The parents are flower child types themselves. Greta is ignorant to real science. She’s used by the left to push an agenda. This agenda makes select people very wealthy.
Look, we are not saying we don’t have problems here on Mother Earth. We have a terrible pollution problem. The pollution in the ocean is absolutely disgusting.
Is that a problem? Absolutely! Smog and trash are a massive problem. Climate, we won’t need to worry about in the next 3 years. Man wreaks havoc. This sadly is not new. Man seems unable to help himself as he needs to destroy. Animal extinction is a huge disgusting problem created by man. Man is slowly killing the world he lives in and needs to be aware of the damage. Man needs to make changes. How is man to do this when man isn’t even sure of what a man is?
we desperately need to prioritize
Man needs to get his priorities in order. The planet is a priority. Right now, we need to have other priorities. We are about to have the largest crisis of our lifetime. We are facing food and fuel shortages. If you thought the toilet paper shortages were bad, wait until people don’t have food or heat. This is the U.S. and we are about to be living a 3rd world country nightmare.
We have been saying for weeks that we are in a recession. Biden redefining it doesn’t change that we are in one. Top CEO’s are all coming forward and warning of a recession. Sadly, they didn’t do the right thing by Americans and come forward before the election. Republicans told people about the economy, but liberal voters cared about gender and abortion instead. It really may take them being cold and hungry before they realize what they voted for.