The new plan for diesel fuel
Biden has a new plan for diesel fuel. We don’t know who actually came up with this plan, but Biden thinks its a good idea. The POTUS said, over a week ago, that there will be no new drilling for oil in the U.S.. The new plan for diesel fuel is to save it. There is a shortage of diesel fuel and it is going to hit New England like a ton of bricks. New England is already having their heating oil rationed. To make this all better, Joe is going to stockpile the oil.
This plan is to keep more and export less. That’s good news for those countries that also are having a shortage because of Putin. (sarcasm)
another colossal failure is in the works
Who is coming up with these ideas? Biden isn’t able to think on his own. The people surrounding him that are actually running the country, should have advisors. His picks for his regime are terrible. Another colossal failure is in the works. Biden is going to possibly try to force oil suppliers to stockpile oil. He thinks that this will prevent shortages and prevent the prices from going higher.
There is so much wrong with that plan and you would think someone would tell him. He wants to send fuel to tanks to save. Forcing companies to stockpile the fuel will only increase prices. Biden’s trying to manipulate the market. He started with the SPR. With the election on the way he drained the SPR as a way of lower prices that he blames on Putin. By storing the fuel, he is taking even more of it out of circulation. When demand is higher than supply, prices rise.
how do they think this is a good idea?
Economics use to be taught in school. The education system is collapsing. This shouldn’t have any effect on the people in charge of these policies. They went to school when useful information was still taught.
There was a trial run. Magellan increased their inventories back in July. Their prices soared. Repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different outcome is crazy, right?
“We also want to make sure there’s enough fuel in the United States,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm
They want to make sure there is enough fuel here? Do they not understand the meaning of shortage? When fuel is rationed out for heat at the start of winter, there is not enough. If Americans use oil for heat and it’s available for them to buy, will they be able to afford it? The price is 27% higher. Not to mention, inflation is still on the rise.
it’s not easy to sympathize
We just had the midterm election. The economy and inflation should have been on every American’s mind when going to vote. The Dems deflected and succeeded. The thought of rationed heat in America is disgusting. Never should this happen in America. How do you sympathize? Many of the states that will be hit hard with this issue just voted blue. They voted to keep the status quo. They need to remember that, when they, their families, and friends are cold.
It’s not going to stop with heat. The shortages are going to continue to the grocery stores. Farmers can’t afford to farm. Do these voters like to eat? Truckers can’t afford diesel to transport. Stores are going to have empty shelves. What little that will be available will be extremely costly. The thing that is most irritating is the voters that wanted this are taking those who didn’t, down with them. The Gen Z kids who are all for this system of getting free stuff also do not understand government or economies. They actually think socialism is good. These are the kids voting on all of our futures.
It is time that conservatives stand up. Conservatives need to start educating these kids. We need to go to them before the left gets to them.
11 million new liberal voters
Senator Schumer wants a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal aliens. Conservatives are not against immigrants becoming citizens. What conservative don’t like is criminals. These people already broke the law and are here illegally. If someone seeks to become a citizen let them do it legally.
These illegals are criminals. Every single one who chose to come here illegally, is a criminal. They will ultimately cost Americans millions or billions of dollars. Housing, food, medical, and education are only the tip of the iceberg in costs to Americans. They see the U.S. as giving out a bunch of free stuff, just like Gen Z. Dems see both Gen Z and illegal aliens as votes. 11 million illegals welcomed in by Democrats equal 11 million Democratic votes. They don’t care about these people. Look what they did when they were shipped to Martha’s Vineyard. Wealthy democrats who like to throw around words like sanctuary city, threw them out in less than 24 hours by the national guard.
mainstream media doesn’t like the shortage story
The media and big tech have controlled what Americans know for too many years. Hopefully with Republicans controlling the House things are going to change. Investigations into the Biden’s were announced today, along with Pelosi leaving. Explain again, how badly the conservatives lost in the midterms because right now it’s looking much brighter. Hopefully as these stories break the media and big tech will loose their battle with censorship and liberal protection.
The story of the diesel shortage should be front and center. Instead, it’s hidden like the Biden laptop. The bottom line is this,
EIA reported that, as of Oct. 14, the U.S. had 25.4 days of distillate supplies (diesel is one along with jet fuel and home heating oil) left
This shortage is driving the price up and Biden taking more out of circulation is not going to help. It will make it worse. One of the things conservatives need to do is to start demanding more of the media. Call and email demanding that they do better. Show them you won’t watch, tanked ratings work. Switch to networks like FOX and Newsmax. These issue were important for the election. That ship has sailed but we didn’t lose like the media wants you to think. There is a fix that would help the entire world, drill baby drill.