not for me
Have you seen the shows with survivalists eating disgusting things like lizards, snakes, or bugs? Well, that’s television and Hollywood, not for me. Too each, their own and maybe you like bugs. We know people who have tried them, but didn’t care for them. I don’t want to try them. I couldn’t get them down if I wanted too. If you like bugs or choose to eat bugs, good for you. In America, we have choices and I don’t care if you want to eat bugs, but I’m not. This wasn’t a planned article and I must say that it’s sorta turning my stomach at the thought. Eating bugs is not for me. I say nope, no bugs!
Where is this coming from, you ask
Of late I see things about people eating bugs. Apparently, with the carbon issues in the world, there are those who want us to stop farming and eat bugs instead. I’ve been hearing things like Bill Gates wants us to stop eating meat and start eating bugs. I decided to find out more.
I’ve seen lately that some big companies are using cricket or meal worm flour and mislabeling it so people don’t know what they are eating. They use the Latin names of the bugs in the listed ingredients. If I had emojis, I’d be adding the puke face.
who promotes this
Well of course, the WEF is a promoter of this disgusting new food group. They say we are running out of land and the population is increasing. The obvious solution is bugs. The WEF goes on to list all the wonderful things bugs do and how they are already a food source to animals, birds, amphibians, and humans. I can’t stress this enough, not this human, nope, not for me.
I didn’t realize that farming insects is so huge. Apparently we are already farming them for feed and animal feed. The language used wow. They say that when they (the insects) are ripe, they go to processing. Ripe?!?! Yikes!! They go on to say that the benefits are that they are a great source of protein, easily digestible and lower cholesterol, cheaper than farming and take up less space, and a natural fertilizer. This is all from the WEF.
Those Europeans are far more adventurous than I am. According to Reuters, bugs will be on European menus soon. Locusts, meal worms, and crickets how nice.
pet food
It is difficult to not use foul language when writing certain articles. This happens to be one of those because the more of this I research, the more disgusted I become. I will be going to look at our dog food as soon as I finish this because our dogs eat Purina. The WEF says maggots are being used in Purina pet food. Okay, for now, its used only in Switzerland. Just like the Swedish microchipping themselves, Switzerland has begun using insects.
It’s not just vegan and vegetarian pet owners who are behind the increasing demand for alternatives to meat. As awareness of the environmental impact of meat production grows, owners are realizing that changes to their pet’s diet, as well as their own, can have a positive impact on the planet.
So, how does this work? Anything the elites in the WEF say, people follow blindly? This is crazy. I hope you realize that these countries are already doing many of the things we talk about with the WEF. It is not a conspiracy. It’s not kept secret. You all can look for yourselves. Use google and you will be amazed at what the WEF is already doing when it comes to the liberal world order, the great reset, and 2030. They don’t hide it. They brag about it.
recent farming
We recently wrote an article on the farmers in the Netherlands. They are fighting back. If they don’t comply, the government will seize their land. What are they fighting for? The right to farm. The government has handed out carbon emission rules eliminating farming. I have just listed 3 countries that are already using what the WEF says is needed to save the planet. You think it won’t happen here? John Kerry is in this group of elites along with our President and Bill Gates. Many of our super wealthy, celebs, and business people (Americans) are all involved. Biden has talked many times of the transition and has also talked about the liberal world order. It’s already in the works here.
you think they can’t make you?
Right now in Sweden, they are microchipping people. It is voluntary for now. You get a chip in your hand, more like an implant and when you do anything, you wave your hand in front of a censor. This starts your car and locks your house. Cool right?
What will they do if you don’t get it? When you work, you get paid. You will need the chip to access your pay because banking will use this. To pay your bills, same thing. If you want to eat or shop, same thing. It will be a wave of the hand. When you buy groceries, you give a wave of the hand. If you don’t get the chip, you don’t get paid, pay bills, lock your house, or eat. People will have no choice. This is already happening in Sweden. You think our country will be the only country in the world that won’t be doing this? Every other country in the world will be using this, the same banking, same government, same everything. This is your new world order, liberal world order, and the great reset. The WEF wants this by 2030.
oh no
This one was a huge disappointment for me. The Farmers Almanac has an article on bugs and not because they are eating crops.
While the sound of ingesting anything made entirely of insects may trigger your gag reflex, cricket flour, also known as cricket protein powder, made from 100% ground crickets, is becoming quite the craze and a go-to protein source for many. Don’t believe us? Do a quick Google search! As it creeps its way into protein bars and cookies, crickets may be the next “it” protein, replacing other trendy grain-free alternatives such as almond and coconut flour. Would you dare try it? Before you decide, read on.,B2%2C%20and%20essential%20fatty%20acids.
Follow that link and read more about what our Farmers Almanac has to say about the benefits of eating bugs. My grandmother told me that when she was young they lived with the Farmers Almanac as their guide. I doubt she would be happy with her beloved Almanac saying eating bugs is a good thing.
use google
If you think that I have lost my mind and am ready for a straight jacket, look for yourself. Use Google! There is tons of information on people and pets eating bugs. I absolutely agree, this is insanity.
Nicole Kidman eats bugs. Check out the sponsor of that video, the WEF.
Klaus Schwab
Finally, one thing I agree with concerning anything that Klaus Schwab has to say. We will have an angrier world. I, for one, will not be eating bugs! In case you don’t know who this man is, he is the founder of the WEF. This is his global brain storm along with Bill Gates. Welcome to the Liberal World Order.
Did you know
The new Inflation Reduction Act was held up by Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia. People were so shocked when he signed the bill. As I am sure most of you figured out has absolutely nothing to do with inflation reduction. This bill is a climate bill. Senator Manchin changed his mind after he had a 2 hour phone call from Bill Gates. Go figure. Also another one of the things you can Google because it’s not a secret.
another familiar face
Greta Thunberg