teachers are rewarded for failure
People in NYC, who took an exam between the years 1994 and 2014 and failed will be paid a massive sum of money. The exam is a Liberal Arts and Science test. It’s needed to acquire a teaching license. These NYC want to be teachers get the largest payout in NYC history. NYC is rewarding their failure.
5,200 black and Hispanic people will be paid a whopping $1.8 billion dollars. This is the largest legal payout in NYC history. A court ruling found more white candidates passed. The test violated civil-rights laws. The test is racially biased. Do you know who will pay for this?
what does this say
What does this say to all those who have passed this test and will never make the amount of money these people are getting for failing it? How do they explain all of the thousands of blacks and Hispanics who passed the test? Are they saying blacks and Hispanics are not as intelligent as whites? Doesn’t this send a terrible message to everyone, especially children, about working hard for achievements?
We live in a time where hard work doesn’t always get rewarded. Children are rewarded for participation or just showing up, instead of their achievements. Why work hard if everyone gets the same reward? But these people are not children and they will be paid between $1 and $2 million dollars each for their failure.
everything is about race
If you want to end racism in the U.S., start by stopping the division. Almost every form we fill out in todays society asks for your race. Why? Why does a landlord need to know one’s race? Or why does the government need to know your race? If you want everyone treated the same start by stop asking for one’s race.
Obama talked about race more often than any other politician. Of course, Biden also talks about race, but he is doing it to prove he is out to help minorities. Biden wants the votes.
Politicians need to make things about the human race and end this division.
Obama says equality, but clearly doesn’t mean equality. He will forever be the great divider.
a lucky recipient
The person on the phone this man talked to was nice? I guess so. Someone is handing him millions of dollars for failing a test, anyone would find that person nice.
Do blacks and Hispanics find this offensive
If they don’t, they should. Is it a fluke that we have so many high achieving blacks in society? Did they just get lucky? Are blacks and Hispanics able to pass a test that whites can? This payoff says a very loud “no”.
Dems racist agenda
It is pathetic what Democrats do by playing the race card. SCOTUS Thomas is in the news a lot lately. Why? He is everything that Dems say can’t be. He is successful and in the highest position in the U.S. court. Now they want him impeached. SCOTUS Thomas doesn’t fit the agenda Dems feed Americans.
A black criminal gets a televised funeral with a gold casket. This criminal gets murals and statues. Millions and millions of dollars of destruction, all done in this criminals honor, cities set ablaze and some taken over. Literally buildings are burning behind a liberal news network anchor, and he says it’s peaceful. This agenda of the Dems, that is only for votes, is destructive to everyone. It’s destructive to the human race.
should everything be dumbed-down
June 29th, The Supreme Court of the United States put an end to affirmative action. Why? Do blacks and Hispanics need the bar lowered for them to get into college? Are Blacks and Hispanics unable to get into college without a learning curve? Tell me how this isn’t insulting to all blacks and Hispanics?
Ending affirmative action makes everyone equal. We are all on the same playing field. Isn’t equality what blacks want? Did they not fight for equality for over 100 years? You can’t have it both ways. Are you the same as everyone else or not? Do blacks and Hispanics only want equality when they need it?
society today
What are we teaching our kids? We used to teach them to be all you can be. If you work hard you can be anything, but you must work for it. Not any more.
If you needed brain surgery, do you want the surgeon who is the best regardless of their color? Would you rather have the surgeon who didn’t score as well, but is a minority? What about a Pilot?
Children are seeing blacks fighting for reparations for being descendants of slaves. And children see that children enslaved today, get little attention from people who should help free them. Children see that color of one’s skin matters.
So, do you want equality? Do you need a handout? Are you as intelligent as everyone else? Do you really want racism in America to end? Do you teach children who is paying for this?
Taxpayers will pay for reparations. Taxpayers will pay for failing to pass tests in NYC.