She claims a bad translation
This woman is something else. Controversary surrounds Ilhan Omar. Omar’s a member of the squad. Ilhan Omar delivered a staggering speech to Somalians in her native language. She tells everyone that she’s in Congress to protect Somalia.
She went on to promise the audience she would be working “from inside the U.S. system” to protect them and their lands.
Ilhan Omar works from inside the system? She claims it’s a bad translation.
“For as long as I am in Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, its waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia or others,” Rep. Omar said. “The U.S. would not dare support anyone against Somalia to steal our land or oceans. Sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system.
Omar states in her own words where her loyalty lies
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”,and%20the%20oath%20is%20administered.
This is yet another disturbing revelation about this woman. People are understandably proud of their heritage. This goes way beyond her being a proud Somalian woman. Omar took an oath to the United States and swears loyalty to Somalia.
she needs immediately removed
Omar needs removed immediately. She and other squad members are dangerous. Omar and others make it very clear how they feel about Jews. Kevin McCarthy removed her from the Foreign Affairs Committee. This happened after her anti-Semitic comments about Jews. Omar claimed she didn’t know she was making anti-Semitic remarks. She didn’t know? She compared the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban. House Democrats wrote,
“Equating the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided,” they wrote. “Ignoring the differences between democracies governed by the rule of law and contemptible organizations that engage in terrorism at best discredits one’s intended argument and at worst reflects deep-seated prejudice.”
when all else fails, play stupid. One time could maybe be accidental. Ilhan Omar is a repeat offender when it comes to misspeaking and not understanding. If it’s true that she really doesn’t understand, she needs to find a new job.
This is why this is so important
Supposedly Omar made an unofficial personal trip to Pakistan. India wasn’t happy about her trip. If her trip was unofficial and personal, what’s with her statement on the situation with Pakistan. Do we want someone whose allegiance isn’t to the United States talking to Prime Ministers of other countries. Was anyone from the U.S. in the room with her when she spoke to ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan? If not, how do we know what was said? Making a statement doesn’t seem like it was a personal trip.
causing chaos
The attack by Hamas on Israel killed well over 1000. There’s widespread rape. They torture including genital mutilation. They hold hostage, men, women, and children, not just Israelis, but Americans. This continues today. The squad stands with Palestine. We have kidnapped and dead Americans, and they stand with Palestine.
Humanity? Really? Omar is anti-Israel, anti-Jews. This coming from a woman who is Somalian number 1 and doesn’t mention being American.
These women are not pro American. They spread hate. It’s time to vote them out. Disband the squad. Their rhetoric spreads hate and anti-Semitism.
They plead for a cease-fire in Israel and our troops are attacked. We lost 2 Navy seals (off the coast of Somalia) and 3 soldiers. Dozens of our soldiers were wounded. Anti-Americans have no place in our own government.
Americans first and American allies next. It’s time to vote for people who put America and it’s citizens first.