Michael “Ozzie” Myers pleads guilty
There is proof of Pennsylvania election fraud. Mr. Michael Myers is guilty of election fraud. Michael “Ozzie” Myers, of Philadelphia, plead guilty to election fraud on Monday, June 6th. Mr. Myers is 79 years old. He plead guilty to conspiracy to deprive voters of their civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election for orchestrating schemes to fraudulently stuff ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Pa. elections.
Domenick Demuro
Myers admitted to bribing the Judge of Elections, Domenick Demuro. Demuro was charged separately and plead guilty in May 2020. Demuro was in charge of the entire election process in the 36th division in South Philadelphia and the voters activities.
All polling stations print a results receipt. This shows vote totals. The Judge of Elections then verifies the receipt. Myers bribed Demuro to add votes to Democratic candidates. Candidates campaigns hired Myers. The candidates were federal, state, and local level candidates. Myers would receive payments, either cash or check. Myers called them “consulting fees.” He would then pay a portion to Demuro and others for tampering with the election results.
Payments were $300 to $5000 per election from Myers. Then Demuro would add votes to the machines. This is called “ringing up.” Demuro would add votes during the election day. He then certified the results. Myers is accused of telling Demuro to lie about this to the investigators.
Marie Brenen
Myers admitted to election fraud with Marie Brenen. She is a South Philadelphia Judge of Elections also. She was charged separately in October 2021. Brenen plead guilty. She had close associates serve on the Board of Elections. Myers had her add votes to candidates that had hired him. These were also federal, state, and local candidates.
Myers said that almost every election he took Brenen to open the polling station. On the drive there he would tell Brenen which candidates she needed to add votes to. Brenen would then tell voters which candidate to vote for and would also vote for the preferred candidate herself, if someone did not appear to vote at the poll.
Brenen and her associates would falsify results. They falsified the polling books, list of voters, and party enrollment. She would falsify names, party affiliation, and order of appearance for voters who did not appear. She was careful to make sure the number of voters matched in the machines and on the books.
Myers and Brenen
Myers would call Brenen periodically during election day for updates. She would inform Myers of the actual votes for candidates. He would then tell her which candidate to add votes. If his preferred candidate was well ahead, he would have her add votes to the other candidate.
Myers has a criminal history
In 1970 Michael Sullivan, Myers cousin, killed a construction worker. In 1974 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Myers was in possession of the gun Sullivan used.
Myers was one of 7 congressman involved in a FBI sting operation in the 1980’s. It was a 2 year operation. The sting was called Abscam. The FBI was targeting the trafficking of stolen property and corruption of businessmen. It turned into a public corruption investigation. The Justice Dept. and a convicted con artist, Mel Weinberg, helped the FBI. They videotaped the politicians accepting bribes.
Myers accepted a $50,000 bribe from an undercover FBI agent. He got expelled from the House of Representatives. He was the first one expelled since 1861. Myers was convicted of bribery and conspiracy and received a 3 yr. sentence in 1981. Myers started a political consulting firm after being released from prison.
They investigated over 30 politicians. One senator and six congressmen got convicted. Myers was one of those men.
This leads to more questions than answers
First, why would any respectable politician go to a criminal for advise. He was in jail for corruption. He was a Democrat and Democratic politicians used his services. If you can’t win cheat. That seems to be the Democratic moto. Politicians are under constant scrutiny. Wouldn’t you think they would be concerned that maybe the services of a criminal is not wise? It didn’t stop them. This went on for years.
Second, the information we found made it clear this didn’t effect any recent elections. They eluded to the fact this didn’t effect the 2020 Presidential election. What about the 2016 election? Hillary seemed convinced the election results were wrong. Is this why? Investigators know the years. It makes sense they know who paid him. Especially those who paid by check. Why is there no information as to which candidates used him? Shouldn’t there be some punishment for the candidates as well?
Obviously, if the last election he did this was in 2018, it didn’t effect the 2020 election. But, How many times are people told by the government and the media there is no election fraud? Clearly, there is election fraud.
Philadelphia is a city. It seems that a rural area would be even easier to get away with fraud. There would be less people watching what these election officials. We know a person who voted by mail and again in person. We know a person whose ballot was thrown under a table and told the scanner wasn’t working. Was that vote scanned later? Wouldn’t it be easier to keep track of who actually voted if you are in a town of only a couple hundred people, if you were going to pull of what Myers did?
How many times have you seen, and this is hypothetical, they did a recount. First count had 987 votes. On the recount they had 985 votes. There is no gray in math. Math is exact. Every time you count those votes, it better equal the exact number. That number should exactly match the number of voters. For years, there are recounts here and there across the states. They do a recount and come up with a different number. How is it possible to have a different number? It is counting. It is not calculus.
election fraud
Obviously there is election fraud. Myers is not the first arrest for this crime. He will not be the last. How are people to be secure in knowing our elections are fair? This is why there needs to be voter id. You need an id to do just about anything anymore. You need it to buy eggs in our area at Halloween. It is crazy that the Democrats think somehow requiring id will make it more difficult to vote. We live in an Amish area. They all have id’s. They are not difficult to get.
The Democrats were the ones cheating in the Philadelphia elections from 2014 to 2018. It makes sense they are the ones fighting voter id. It would make it difficult to cheat. How many times have we seen that dead people voted in 2020. Brenen, Demuro, and Myers used a list of voters. If a voter didn’t show up, they cast the vote for them. Maybe these people didn’t show up because some were dead.
We are an opinion page. This is not a conspiracy. This is not fake news. These 3 people all pleaded guilty to these crimes. These 3 people were in Philadelphia Pa. Is it so hard to believe that this couldn’t happen anywhere else?