Russia and Ukraine, the truth is really in the middle
Putin is saying he doesn’t reject peace talks. So, where are the diplomats? Wouldn’t a peaceful end to this horrific and costly war be in the best interest of everyone? What’s the reason we don’t want diplomacy for Ukraine? There are 2 sides to every story and the truth lies in the middle. Is it the same with this war? Russia and Ukraine, the truth is really in the middle.
It’s a fact, war is hell
Why are people surprised at what happens during a war? Russia’s a ruthless country and their ruler Putin, is ruthless. Doesn’t everyone know that? Russia and Ukraine are at war. People get wounded and killed in war. It seems to be a fact that many forget. It’s sad, but innocents get killed. Wars aren’t played out on a monitor with a controller.
Wars aren’t fair, don’t expect them to be. If you are fighting to win, you do so at any cost. If you plan on winning, you’re not thinking about you’re war crimes. It’s not just Russia, it’s the same for Ukraine. If they want to win, they fight any way they can, and they are.
What’s odd is the response of the United States
Biden’s compromised. If you want to understand what’s going on, you must look at the facts. Our media’s compromised. How are people to understand what’s going on when our media lies, omits, and censors? It is time people start watching or reading news other than mainstream media.
Most people know that this war wouldn’t have happened if Biden wasn’t President. His response now is as puzzling as it was at the start. Biden’s allowed the U.S. to get so weak that we are sending banned cluster bombs to Ukraine. These bombs are banned in over 100 countries. Why are we sending them? We’re low on munitions and Biden said so himself. Isn’t that just what we want the world to know?
We continue to send millions in aid and weapons. The U.S. sent more than any other country and continues to hemorrhage millions. Why? Biden’s compromised. The proof is out there. Biden lies and the government and the media cover it up. No one in the media questions in order to get the truth exposed. The result is the U.S. becomes weaker as we hemorrhage more to the cause. Exposure of the truth will be our salvation and the Republican controlled House is working hard to do just that.
where is the diplomacy
Why is there no diplomacy? Because Biden’s corrupt and a puppet for Zelenskyy. That’s what happens when you take bribes. When people have dirt on you, they use it.
Zelenskyy is as ruthless as Putin. Zelenskyy is willing to lose and maim people for years to come by using the cluster bombs. He refuses to negotiate in any way. He is as stubborn as Putin and it’s at his people’s expense. This is true on both sides.
The world sits on the verge of a war. There’s no diplomacy. There is one person who mentioned diplomacy, Elon Musk. Musk’s companies donated millions in satellite equipment to Ukraine. When Musk mentioned that the world would be better off if peace was negotiated, Zelenskyy had a fit. Zelenskyy doesn’t want peace. Instead, he was truly ungrateful for what Musk had did for him and publicaly blasted Musk for the suggestion of diplomacy. Zelenskyy wants things the way they were and that isn’t going to happen. He and the world can’t sit and bash Putin for being ruthless and stubborn when Zelenskyy is the same. The Ukrainian people suffer with no diplomacy.
the world is teetering on the edge of war
The world is on the brink of WW3. We have a POTUS that isn’t only compromised, but he’s not well mentally. The entire world laughs at the U.S.. The greatest country in the world is now a laughing stock. We are living in a volatile time. Biden isn’t fit for the job even if he wasn’t compromised.
Why isn’t diplomacy a priority? Putin is willing and no one has jumped on the idea? Does that sound right to you?
some things just don’t make sense
The Nord Stream Pipeline is blown up. Russia’s blamed. A year later, with the best investigators in the world, and we still don’t know who did it. Sure, that makes sense. It never made sense that Russia blew up the one thing that made them a ton of money. You must look at who had the most to gain, and it wasn’t Russia. If investigators prove it was Ukraine, there needs to be some kind of response because that one act hurt the entire world.
Russia just blew up ports and grain. They backed out of the grain deal. Again, during war do you expect there to be fairness? But once again, something doesn’t make sense. The grain sat for 2 months. Why was the grain sitting for 2 months and not shipped? That doesn’t make any sense.
There are reports today that Ukraine is using North Korean rockets.
July 29 (Reuters) – Ukrainian soldiers were observed using North Korean rockets that they said were seized by a “friendly” country before being delivered to Ukraine, the Financial Times reported on Saturday.,the%20Russians%2C%20the%20newspaper%20said.
Does Ukraine using North Korean rockets make sense to you. They were delivered and seized by a “friendly” country? This as we accuse North Korea of supplying Russia with weapons. Maybe Ukraine stole them from the Russians, that would make more sense, but the story they are going with doesn’t.
African leaders meet with Putin
African leaders proposed a plan to start peacefully ending this war. Really, African leaders? Elon Musk mentions it and gets a lashing by our government. Our government does nothing in the way of a peaceful end and now African leaders are working on diplomacy. Wow. We really don’t have a POTUS. We have a figure head that is compromised with the corrupt government of Ukraine. The entire world suffers for it.
Elon Musk suggested a diplomatic end. China proposed a plan for an eventual end to the war. African nations suggested a diplomatic end. Putin agreed to talks. Zelenskyy says no way and the U.S. continues to pay for it. This while the world teeters on the brink of war. Make sense?