what we were taught in college
We are not doctors and offer no medical advice.
WARNING…..this article has sexually explicit information
I had several psychology classes in college. One of those classes was Human Sexuality. I didn’t take this class all that long ago, but I can guarantee it has changed. It was a fascinating class. The class was not all about sex as the name leads you to believe. We did learn the frightening reality about transgender youth. It’s not what the media and woke society wants you to know. The teachings had to change to fit the narrative because what this woke community wants you to know now, is nothing like what we were taught in college then.
The reason I say the frightening reality is because Dems, woke society, and whoever else pushes this crap, literally change science and definitions to make it work for them. Changing this topic to fit their narrative puts children at risk and it’s sad.
age appropriate
The class size I was in was small. It started with approximately 25-30 people and slowly decreased to about 15. 2 of the 15 were a couple. This couple engaged too much with the class. They often discussed their own sex life. It came across that they were trying to spruce up their sex life by taking the class. They strolled in late one day with a child. The child was a girl, approximately 6 years old. Everyone was taken aback, including our professor. Our professor asked them why they had this little girl with them. They told her that the child was theirs, they didn’t have a babysitter, and it was okay to just proceed as normal.
This professor, a female, was a fantastic teacher. I had her for a previous psych class and learned so much that I took the Human Sexuality class because she taught it. It would be nice to run into her now. I would love to know her thoughts now, on this topic. I highly doubt that she is able to teach the same information that she taught me. Anyway, She told the couple that class would not proceed with a child in the room. It was clear that our professor was angry.
A child’s brain doesn’t develop until age 25. Children are unable to comprehend the complexity of sex. Our professor made it clear that she was concerned that they would want to expose their child to the class. She said she had no choice but to report them. Exposing this child to explicit material, was considered abuse. It is illegal to expose, entice, persuade, induce, and or coerce a child. Whether she reported them or not and to who, I have no idea.
ambiguous genitalia
I was taught, in this class, a small percentage of babies are born with both male and female anatomy. .1% of babies have this condition. The percentage may be smaller. It’s difficult for parents. Societal norms require parents to say the gender of their child. People ask new parents, “do you have a girl or boy?”
These parents are advised to wait and to let the child choose their sex. Parents were not to choose because what if they choose wrong? If they waited, the child could decide when old enough. Parents often didn’t like the idea of not being able to say their child’s gender and pick for them anyway. The parents that chose their child’s gender, generally chose the gender that they wanted the child to be.
This condition is an anomaly. Some times there are other medical conditions and causes for ambiguous genitalia. It is corrected with medicines and surgeries. This information is likely changed since I had this class.
When you are born, your sex/gender is based on whether you have male or female genitalia, your anatomy. Yes that’s right, you are born male or female. Science says you are either male or female based on your chromosomes, a male has one x and one y chromosome and females have two x chromosomes. These are facts, science facts. This society we live in tells people differently. It’s like they think if they tell their own version often enough, the facts change. Not true, but people definitely climb upon the believers train.
gender dysphoria
Gender dysphoria is a diagnosable disorder. It’s when someone is unhappy with their gender. The percentage of people actually born with gender dysphoria is extremely low.
gender dysphoria prevalence accounts for 0.005–0.014% of the population
It is very rare. There is approximately 330 million people in the United states. That means, approximately 16,500 people out of 330 million, have this disorder. These people are sometimes helped with gender re-assignment surgery.
People who have serious mental distress over gender-confusion have a mental disorder, Gender Dysphoria. The DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is used to diagnose Gender Dysphoria. People with Gender Dysphoria feel “trapped in their bodies,” the wrong body. Helping these people does not mean you should cut off their body parts and start hormones.
Our state run media and woke society is not helping these individuals by exploiting them and their rights. What they need is understanding and treatment for their actual mental disorder.
What happened to the society that was outraged by female circumcision? Women’s rights groups were outraged by female circumcision. This is preformed girls from shortly after birth to around age 15. It is called female genital mutilation. More than 200 million girls have had this procedure. We live in a very hypocritical society. People play on whatever side of the fence that fits the agenda at the time.
The society we live in today frowns on the mutilation of a females genitals with a circumcision. It is becoming a bigger issue with males as well. Yet, if you have a little girl that doesn’t want to wear dresses, a genital mutilation to make her appear more masculine is great. Do you see the hypocrisy?
Sexual re-assignment surgery
This is important! Sexual re-assignment is not a sex change. It is biologically impossible to become the opposite sex. There’s that dreaded science again. What you are doing by having a sex change is feminizing men or masculinizing women. They are still their sex at birth. This is science fact!
If you have xy chromosomes, you will always be a male and if you have two x, you will always be a female. When you promote this extreme surgery, you promote the individuals mental disorder. You are an enabler.
Todays society, celebs, and etc. cause actual harm to children by confusing them. Children are influenced by these people. Kids want to model or copy the people that promote transgender. Society and celebs have made heroes out of someone who has psychological problems, has suffered and will continue to suffer. This disorder does not go away once surgery is complete. Society makes children believe that these people are brave and it’s eroding our children’s sense of self.
These children need therapy. The family needs therapy. Almost all of these children grow out these feelings. There is zero evidence that these surgeries are effective and there are a large number of people who have the surgery that remain traumatized, some committing suicide.
Gender re-assignment surgery does not cure the underlying mental illness. Instead of having a permanent body mutilation, try curing the deep psychological conflict causing the dysphoria.
male to female
The penis and testes are removed without cutting nerves of the penis. The external genitalia are constructed to look like a woman’s. The glans of the penis is used to form a clitoris. A vaginal pouch is made and lined with the skin of the penis. For the next 6 months, the vagina is dilated with a device so it doesn’t grow closed. Surgery can be preformed on the adam’s apple to reduce it’s size. Men can not give birth. These are not birthing people.
female to male
The female to male surgery is more complex and often less successful. A penis and scrotum are made from skin on your forearm. Because it is not a real penis it can’t get an erection. A silicone tube can be used in some cases so the penis can be used for coitus. A breast removal is done as well as, and in some cases, a hysterectomy. We were shown many pictures and the penis doesn’t look like a penis normally looks. These women can’t inseminate a female. Why? This is because these people are not male. These people can give birth, if they didn’t have the hysterectomy. Why? This is because they will always be women.
these surgeries
These re-assignment surgeries are horrifying and not something anyone would want a child to go through. They are very complex. Male to female are easier. I was told this is because it’s easier to build a hole than a pole. The constructed vagina does look more real than the penis.
The state run media, woke society, and celebs bring up suicide in children. For some reason, they want you to believe there is less risk of suicide in kids if you enable their disorder instead of treating it. They don’t tell people that those who have gender re-assignment surgeries are at a higher risk of suicide. There is information and studies on the rates of suicide and the percentage of people who regret the surgery. I highly recommend you start doing extensive research and talk to a doctor. Not the doctor or therapist that is pushing for the re-assignment because they have their own agenda and it’s money.
Many who have either been treated with hormones or have the surgery, regret their decision. Surgeries or altering a child’s body is considered child abuse. Why? They are mutilating a child’s body. Because most of these children will outgrow these feelings. Kids are unable to make these adult decisions with an immature brain.
mental disorders
Gender Dysphoria is in the same class as other dysphoria’s or mental disorders. Anorexia is a body dysphoria. These people are unhappy with their bodies. You correct the false assumption these people have with their bodies. You don’t sew their mouths shut so they can’t eat. These people need to fix their conflict. You don’t enable them.
Parents want to be the cool parent, the accepting parent, but they don’t want to actually parent. It is the parents job to guide kids and get them help when necessary, not enable a serious mental illness. You may be the cool accepting parent today in your child’s eyes, but what will you do when this child is 30 and asks why you allowed them to do this?
This article is so important.
Regret is real and it’s common. The woke media and society doesn’t tell you that, but it’s important to know. Parents need to parent and get off this LGBT fad that society has created. There is a ton of money in Trans. Follow the money. You will see. There are two things in play here, money and votes. That is what is pushing this agenda.
60 minutes thought the idea of trans regret was important enough to do a show on it. YouTube has bits and pieces. I didn’t look long enough to see if I could find the entire segment. Here is a piece.
CBS is woke and I was shocked when they did this segment. I would guess they removed it. Why do these kids regret this? Because it’s an illness that the medical community uses to make a ton of money. Someone made a very bad choice for the child and the now adult child can’t change back. Because parents don’t parent and because almost all kids will outgrow this when given a chance.
Parents need to know
Some parents have heard that trans kids commit suicide. These parents are desperate to keep that from happening to their child. They then start the enabling process. In reality, people who have the surgery are committing suicide. Think about the torment they would face when they change their mind. Are you as a parent willing to risk that? Why wouldn’t you wait until the child is an adult and let them make that decision as an adult? Why would you make that decision for someone? Any therapy a child has that pushes for this, follow the money and find a new therapist or doctor.
why are we doing this to our kids
I, as a conservative, am all about everyone having rights and freedoms. What you do to yourself is your business. You cross a line when it comes to children. Why do you think there are restrictions on what kids can do? Why can’t kids drink alcohol until 21 or drive until 16? They can’t get tattoos until 18. It is because they are not capable of making good decisions. Why? Their brains are not fully developed. At 14, they can’t drink a beer and walk into a tattoo shop and get a tattoo, but they can make a life changing mutilation of their bodies?
There needs to be a line drawn in the sand and there needs to be real consequences for parents that are doing this to their children. The kids are not doing this, it’s the parents. Dems push for this because they want to be considered the party of acceptance. Let’s be very clear, it’s not acceptance they care about, it’s votes.
We, as a society, need to worry about anyone who pushes this agenda. You wouldn’t allow your child to have a stranger come up to them on a playground and start a conversation about sex. You also wouldn’t be ok with a stripper dancing in front of your child. Because it is a teacher or a parent doesn’t make it okay. Almost all abused children know there abuser.
A parent that encourages this has their own issues going on. Maybe the parent has been through trauma. Trauma is often the reason a child has a dysphoria. The parent may be mentally ill or have something like Munchausen’s. There are other mental illnesses that cause people to be attention seekers. What better way to get attention than to spotlight your child?
I don’t believe in book banning. I do however believe in age appropriate books. Making sex books or Porn books, with cartoon characters does not make them age appropriate. The same goes for videos on YouTube. They are not for teaching, they are for grooming. These people are grooming an entire generation. Children should absolutely not be exposed to drag shows. The exposure confuses them.
These schools will be in for a huge awakening when school choice starts. How many parents will send their children to schools that teach sexuality and gender, CRT and even common core? Schools will need to step up their game so we don’t have a bunch of really ignorant adults. That is not a joke or an exaggeration.
Everyone needs to worry about the adults who want to teach these things to kids. Why would any adult want to teach this stuff to children? Amaze.org, check it out, it’s used as school curriculum.
This stuff confuses children. It’s a fact you can’t change. How many children want to be fantasy characters? They want to be a princess or a pirate. If you show them stuff that other people are doing that seems fun, of course they will want to do it to. It is called pretend, for those who forgot. A small child sees a drag queen all made up and in costume dancing around. Of course, they will want to try that.
the harsh reality
The science fact is sexual re-assignment surgery and hormone therapy is for adults. When I had this class, the Gender Dysphoric underwent years of therapy. After therapy, they were required to live strictly as the sex they were choosing, this included time with family, friends, outings, and work, for at least a year. This was required before they could get the surgery.
After surgery, you are still the sex you started out as, only altered. You are always the sex you are born as, science fact.
Science fact, is you have re-assignment surgery, you are still your birth sex, just altered.
It is incredibly sad that this needs to be written. There was a time people didn’t want to hurt children through mutilation. To be clear, it’s mutilation.
about us
wesayitoutloud.com offers opinion based news. We are not doctors and we are offering medical advice. We do encourage you to seek other medical advice, a second opinion, should your doctor or therapist encourage surgery or hormone therapy on children.
I can tell you that this is strictly what I learned on the subject in a psychology class. Again, I am not a doctor or therapist. This was the teachings before the woke society took over control.