the denouncement of socialism
Wow! What a shocking surprise, 86 Dems vote against denouncing socialism. These people absolutely have a right to say and feel as they do. That’s what America is all about. But they absolutely should not be working for the government. They take an oath to uphold our Constitution. These 86 did not take that oath seriously.
The House passed a resolution that denounces socialism. 86 Dems voted against it and 14 voted present. That is shameful. Wow. It is time they talk to those who have came here fleeing socialism. Even the countries that use to be associated with socialism being successful are in trouble. If our government Representatives do not believe in our Constitution, they have no business being Representatives.
They make it clear how they feel. Our freedoms, they casually throw aside. Religion, speech, free press, and the 2nd amendment all mean little to these people. What is the purpose of taking an oath they don’t believe in?
Ilhan Omar ousted from foreign affairs committee
Omar was ousted yesterday, by a vote, from the foreign affairs committee. Do you really believe there should be an antiSemite on the foreign affairs committee? McCarthy did not remove her from any or all committees, just this one. The same can not be said of what Pelosi did to Republicans. They can scream all they want, it doesn’t change Omar’s views on Israel. The squad had a meltdown. Of course, it was all about racism. The problem is that Omar is the racist.
Those women lost control. They were completely unprofessional and acted like exactly what they are, racist and hysterical. How embarrassing is it that the whole world sees these people in our government. It is no wonder Putin and Xi are bolder than ever.
the cartoon in question
AOC brought up her being killed in a cartoon. This happened over a year ago and is it right? No! The crocodile tears yesterday are a bit much. Not only was this over a year ago, clearly the 2 have made up.
The video was wrong. But AOC is now a hysterical fool, in front of the world, and can’t come up with anything better, than that. She took the Omar ousting and made it about herself, black women and racism. The squad needs to disband.
damage by Omar
Omar compared the U.S. to Hamas and the Taliban. These people hang their citizens, behead them, rape, and beat them. This is who Omar compared the U.S. to and other countries see this. Other countries see a member of our own Congress making this comparison. Come on, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know having Omar on the foreign affairs committee can’t happen.
Now she is using ignorance. Omar got away with this crap with Pelosi. Now that she is called out, she is using ignorance to her advantage. She didn’t know she was racist or hated Israel.