one world government, the great reset here it is….
This story is so complex and crazy it is difficult to believe it’s even true. The world economic forum, the great reset, one world government, it’s mind blowing. It absolutely sounds like Science Fiction. Unfortunately, it is not. This is not a conspiracy theory. Those involved in this want to gaslight you into believing it’s just another of the far right’s conspiracies. Unfortunately, it is not.
The world’s richest people get together once a year, since 1971, and plan how they are going to (for lack of a better word) rule the world. The most recent excuse for doing this is Covid recovery. Since 1971? These are all people you know. CEO’s, Elites, Bankers, politicians, mainstream media, businesses and celeb’s. George Soros, Bill Gates, John Kerry, wil-i-am, and Leonardo DiCaprio are involved. They, in their narcissistic way of thinking, believe they can do a far better job of ruling society, while protecting the Earth. Klaus says every country is involved in this.
No one will own anything and everyone will be happy. They are going to monitor everything you do and who you do it with including what you eat. Everyone has their own unique carbon footprint. This seems so hard to believe, yet it is absolutely true. They don’t try to hide it. You can watch videos of their meetings on YouTube. They absolutely admit to what they are doing. A conspiracy is a secret. This is no secret. Do they think if they tell people enough times they can convince them it’s a conspiracy?
They want a healthy planet, no conflict, and food for all. No fossil fuels will be used. No one will own anything. It will all be shared. Everyone will be a stakeholder. They will monitor your work and your life. Wealth will be evenly distributed. No more rich and poor, everyone will be the same and happy about it.They are seriously also working on a space government. You can’t make this stuff up if you try. Apparently they are not going to stop at Earth. They want the galaxy as well.
How is this going to work? Will everyone live in a commune like a bunch of hippie dippie’s? No one person will be in control and people will have a say in everything.
Klaus Schwab, the person responsible for this, has had some issues with his use of the WEF’s money. The WEF is an exclusive club. The wealthy pay to belong to it. There has been issues with the transparency of the funds as it’s seem like much of it lines the pockets of Klaus Schwab.Is it not hypocritical to preach a new way of life for the planet, with equal distribution of wealth, by the world’s elites? Are they planning on the distribution their own money as well? They preach that in our capitalist society businesses and individuals get wealthy. The wealth only benefits company owners and they in turn dictate how everyone else gets to live. Is that not what they are doing? They made their wealth and are now sitting around dictating how they are going to tell everyone else how to live. What happens to those who do not want to live like they say? Will all those who don’t like this plan be banished to a continent of their own?
They say in their meetings this will require much trust on the part of the people. Good luck to them with that one. There are people who are against this. Rand Paul is one of those people.
Our POTUS wants this. That is the part most scary. It looks as though Biden may turn America’s sovereignty over to the WHO. When that happens will this be the start of the great reset? When are they going to put this plan into action? Will it be a little at a time in the hope people won’t realize what’s going on until it’s too late? Will it be sooner than later, while they have a POTUS who is for the great reset? This push for gun control, is that part of this plan? Klaus says the time is now.
People need to start paying attention to what is going on with this. It’s sounds like some sinister conspiracy, but it most definitely is not. Look it up for yourselves. That is the best way for you to see what is going on. See it with your own eyes.